Thank you for visiting Richard Altomare's Corporate Story website.
If you lost money in the last ten years in the stock market and in your 401-K, the reason is likely to have been “naked short” selling.
You probably didn’t know that naked shorting was the reason.
You were a victim along with hundreds of thousands of ordinary investors damaged by the allowance by the SEC of trillions of counterfeit and unregistered shares into the market.
The SEC failed to regulate and covered up this crime for over ten years in the interest of Wall Street banks, brokers and hedge funds.
Jonathan Swift once wrote that he always knew when a true genius entered a room because the fearful dunces would always gather together to attempt to discredit or silence him.
Richard Altomare's courage, persistence, resiliency and steadfastness surfaced while the regulatory dunces maligned, lied, incarcerated, destroyed and relentlessly attacked him and his fine public company.
He refused to back down and recant his now proven truthful premise that the regulator, the SEC, was not regulating naked short selling and that thousands of companies, hundreds of thousands of their employees and millions of Main Street investors and their dreams were being systematically destroyed by illegal naked short sellers, Wall Street banks, brokers and hedge funds.
The conflicted regulator denied the veracity of his claims for over ten years, covered up this national scandal of naked shorting in the interest of Wall Street interests, but much later was forced to acquiesce, at the end of 2008, the truth of those claims that naked shorting was a huge problem largely responsible for the existing financial crisis.
During your visit to this website about an accomplished educator, businessman, entrepreneur, political candidate, and heroic American, you will see a former United State's Marine willing to stand guard so that other Americans can once again trust their trading, regulatory, justice and financial systems.
His sacrifices, humiliation, and pain should be remembered by all who angrily read the facts contained in this site.
On this site you will find the history of Universal Express. What follows below is a rare glimpse and opportunity to get a full view of the entire history of a publicly traded company with over 60,000 shareholders worldwide. This view however is only after Universal Express has been silenced and placed out of business by the SEC for trying to bring to light the scandal of Naked Short Selling.
You will find 100's of documents ranging from press releases, annual and quarterly reports, court filings, published articles, Supreme Court Case, to videos from its Chairman and CEO, Richard Altomare, on Naked Short Selling and its impact on Universal Express and 10,000 small publicly traded companies years before the world knew the term or scandal of naked shorting.
For easy navigation use the 17 topics below this post. They are the most requested pieces of information from shareholders and media outlets over the past year, since Universal Express, its Chairman and CEO, have been silenced(Placed in solitary confinement for 83 days for civil contempt for not being able to pay an extremely high fine he could not afford) and placed out of business (Receiver shut down USXP, fired all employees same day and liquidated assets for much less than they were worth) by the SEC for being a whistle blower on Naked Short Selling. The Naked Short Selling term has now become a household name but still needs to further be exposed for what it is: WRONG.
We hope you find the information useful as you dive in and learn what happened to a 23 year old small developing publicly traded company by a regulatory agency that lost its way. We hope this serves as a lesson and warning sign for the American public; that this never happens again in our country we love and hold so dearly for its values and constitutional rights.
For media and other inquiries that would like PDF versions of all 17 major posts via email please send request to usxpshareholders(at)gmail(com).
USXP Shareholders and Fighters for American Justice
Click Links Below For Easy Navigation:
1. Supreme Court Case
2. 150 Articles: SEC finally admits Naked Short Selling is a HUGE problem and a cause for financial crisis (July 15th, 2008 et. seq-September 15th, 2008 et. seq)
3. Richard Altomare's "Prison Inc." Book Excerpts
4. Universal Express Statement
5. Universal Express Recitation of Facts by General Counsel
6. Brief in Support of USXP Entitlement to Trial by Jury
7. Universal Express Complaint filed against SEC- March 3, 2004
8. USXP Full Page Ad in New York Times
9. Office of Inspector General Semi Annual Report to Congress- March 31, 2008
10. Richard Altomare's Speech on Naked Short Selling
11. USXP Quarterly and Annual Reports
12. Exhibit A and B: Universal Express Press Releases and Published Articles on Naked Short Selling 1998-2007
13. Universal Express Motion for Partial Summary Judgment
14. Supplemental Declaration of Chris G. Gunderson- Nov 13, 2006
15. Universal Express et al Motion for Reconsideration- March 8th, 2007
16. USXP Memo of Law in Support of Motion for Reconsideration
17. Universal's Declaration of General Counsel in Response to SEC's Request for a Receiver